Noisy Neighbors – Mynahs

In mid-May, we were fortunate to be able to spend a week in Maui.  We stayed in a great condo and enjoyed breakfast on our lanai each morning.  As usual when dining outdoors in the islands, we were joined by various birds who were obviously hoping for a handout.  The most vocal of our breakfast visitors were the Common Mynah Birds, and my goodness, these birds can certainly make some noise!  Their antics are something to behold, and they were quite glad to put on a free breakfast show for us every single day.

Mynahs are natives of South Asia, and they were introduced to the islands in 1865 by William Hillebrand to help control worm infestations.  And while we thoroughly enjoyed their vocal antics each morning, apparently they are not as appreciated by permanent residents in Hawaii most of the time due to their behavior and some other factors, even though they also provide several benefits as well.  They are truly a mixed bag, it seems.  But, for us, we enjoyed their company each morning, for sure.

In North America, the Mynahs can be found in Hawaii and some areas of Florida, and they are members of the Starling (Sturnidae) family, known for their “diverse and complex vocalizations.”  That maybe an understatement where these Mynahs are concerned!

Common Mynah Bird - Hawaii

Common Mynah Bird – Hawaii

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