Hawaiian Spotted Dove

Spotted Dove - Kauai

Spotted Dove – Kauai

In May 2008, our family enjoyed a wonderful week of vacation together on the north shore of Kauai.  It was a special Mother’s Day and birthday treat for me, as I celebrated my 50th birthday while we were there.  We rented a condo that overlooked the ocean from a cliff, and I enjoyed every single moment that we were there.  This was the trip that firmly convinced me how much I love this place, too.

We enjoyed most of our meals at the condo on the lanai that overlooked the ocean, and we were frequently visited by many beautiful birds during and after our outdoor meals.  Some were a bit more brave than others, too.  We know to refrain from feeding birds unless we have the appropriate bird seed, but these lovely creatures still enjoyed coming to clean up after us when we were done with our meals.  They also just seemed to come to visit at other times, and such was the case when I took the great close-up photo of the beautiful Spotted Dove on the lanai.  No doubt, it was quite accustomed to people, as it posted so nicely for this photo as I was right next to it on it lanai.  Using a bit of fill flash helped to capture the image with more detail, and I was just amazed to realize that I was actually close enough to even use a fill flash for a bird photo.  That was a first for me, I think.

Spotted Doves were frequent visitors on our lanai

Spotted Doves were frequent visitors on our lanai

Spotted Doves are quite common on the island.  They were first introduced to the Hawaiian Islands in the 1800’s from the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, and they are beautiful, colorful birds.  I doubt that I ever see one quite this close with my camera again, and I’m happy to share these photos today and relive that fun experience once again!

NaBloPoMo November 2014

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